[AM] CFP: EuroSP3, Cologne, Germany, 1-3 Dec 2004
Niamh Carroll
2004-03-04 11:21:00 UTC

EuroSP3, Software Projects, Process & People
1st - 3rd December, 2004
Cologne, Germany

We would like to invite you to speak at the first ever EuroSP3
conference on Software Projects, Process & People. EuroSP3 is being
brought to you by EuroSTAR, europe's largest conference on Software
Testing, Analysis and Review.

"Better Software Sooner" is the theme for EuroSP3. Most practitioners
in the software world seem to be asked to do more and more every day -
with the same or less resources - and to more exacting quality and
performance standards. And software is being delivered! This
conference is about " how you did it". What were the sucess factors,
the processes, the project management practices, the people that allowed
you to succeed?

EuroSP3 Topics:

1. Software Process Management:

Requirements to Design - Use cases, function points, UML + Modeling
Design to Code - Lifecycle tools, software configuration mgmt, designing
for secure systems
Process Improvement - The SEI World, The ISO World, other worlds -

2. Software Project Management:

Agile Practices - XP & DSDM, Microsoft's Solutions Framework, For
software maintenance
Outsourced Projects - Best practices from case studies, the SEI's eSCM
for outsourced projects, risk management
Software Measurement - Project Estimation, predicting project
performance based on Software Quality data

3. Software People Management:

Team management & Collaboration - Managing Virtual teams, managing teams
from different companies, using the web to manage distributed projects
People Management - Managing and motivating difficult people, the art of
negotiation, hiring well and firing smartly
Change Management & Leadership - managing expectations, communication,
the work life balance in software - myth or reality!

Submission Guidelines:

You need to submit a summary of your presentation by 5th April 2004.
The summary should be 1 - 2 pages long and should identify at least 3
key points that you intend to cover.

Full submission deadlines can be found at:


Key Dates:

Deadline for Submissions: Monday April 5th 2004
Notification of Acceptance: Monday May 31st 2004
Presentations / papers due: Monday 6th September
Conference Dates: 1-3 December

An exhibition will be arranged to give the attendees the opportunity to
evaluate tools that implement the presented theories. As space is
limited, those interested in exhibiting their products are urged to
contact the organisers as soon as possible or check
www.qualtechconferences.com for further details.

We invite you to be part of this new, exciting and prestigious event and
look forward to receiving your submissions before the deadline of Monday
April 5th. We very much look forward to meeting you in Cologne, Germany
later this year. If you have any further questions, please do not
hesitate in contacting me via telephone: +353 91 514478 or via email.

Best Regards

Niamh Carroll
QualTech Conferences

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