[AM] ANN: Are You Ready For MDA?
Scott Ambler
2004-03-10 10:50:53 UTC
The essay "Are You Ready For MDA?" has been posted at
http://www.agilemodeling.com/essays/readyForMDA.htm. In many ways it is a
follow-up to the earlier "Examining the MDA" posted at

Please feel free to repost this announcement to other relevant mailing lists.

- Scott

Scott W. Ambler
Senior Consultant, Ronin International, Inc.


For more information about AM, visit the Agile Modeling Home Page at www.agilemodeling.com
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Jason Gorman
2004-03-10 11:38:00 UTC
Very interesting, Scott. I'm literally about to have lunch with one of the
directors from Softeam/Objecteering, and Test-driven Analysis & Design (or
"Test-driven Modeling") is something I'm keen to address with him. I've
proposed an approach (which I do on paper because there's no tool support
for it) that borrows liberally from Catalysis, but applied to an entirely
test-driven development process. The basics are at
http://www.parlezuml.com/tutorials/tdad/intro.htm (plug plug)

Jason Gorman
-----Original Message-----
Sent: 10 March 2004 10:51
Subject: [AM] ANN: Are You Ready For MDA?
The essay "Are You Ready For MDA?" has been posted at
http://www.agilemodeling.com/essays/readyForMDA.htm. In many
ways it is a follow-up to the earlier "Examining the MDA"
posted at http://www.agilemodeling.com/essays/mda.htm.
Please feel free to repost this announcement to other
relevant mailing lists.
- Scott
Scott W. Ambler
Senior Consultant, Ronin International, Inc.
For more information about AM, visit the Agile Modeling Home
Page at www.agilemodeling.com
For more information about AM, visit the Agile Modeling Home Page at www.agilemodeling.com
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Scott Ambler
2004-03-10 14:12:20 UTC
Responding to several at once, sorry for any confusion.

- Scott
Post by Jason Gorman
Very interesting, Scott. I'm literally about to have lunch with one of the
directors from Softeam/Objecteering, and Test-driven Analysis & Design (or
"Test-driven Modeling") is something I'm keen to address with him. I've
proposed an approach (which I do on paper because there's no tool support
for it) that borrows liberally from Catalysis, but applied to an entirely
test-driven development process. The basics are at
http://www.parlezuml.com/tutorials/tdad/intro.htm (plug plug)
Just added a link to it from my page.
Post by Jason Gorman
You write that embedded systems are a "spectecularly small percentage of the
overall market". I'm not sure if I should agree. I thought in the contrary
that embedded systems (nowadays) have a significant share of the software
market and this share is still rising.
Do you have any figures? Gut feel tells me that it's less than 5% of the
overall software development market.
Post by Jason Gorman
However, I believe that there is a good (and not much explored) case for a
more limited form of MDA, where model execution is used as a mechanism for
exploring and validating models early in the development process, even if
the final code of the system is not fully generated or perhaps not generated
at all. I believe that using this "scaled-down" form of MDA can give
This makes a lot of sense to me. Do you have any links to articles written
about it?
Post by Jason Gorman
- Stakeholders do not have to understand PIMs, as they can review and check
the model as an executing model-driven prototype (Your point 4).
- You are well placed to use TDM (or TDMDA), and there is no reason for
model validation tools not to provide this (Your point 6).
Other than the fact that they haven't been built yet. ;-)
Post by Jason Gorman
- You are not dependent on the tool vendor beyond the model validation
phase -- in particular, not for deployment or support of the operational
system. (Your point 7).
Yes, unless you decide to take the models the next step into detailed design.

I'm not sure that many people would be willing to do that much modeling and
then throw the models away, could be wrong though.
Post by Jason Gorman
You do still need skilled modellers (your points 1, 2 and 3), but in much
smaller numbers than you would if you were using MDA throughout the
development. In my experience of using this technique, a team of three to
five modellers can support a large project (total team size > 30).
The big tool vendors are all pursuing the "soup to nuts" MDA model. I think
that there is a market opportunity for less ambitious tools -- and that this
would both allow smaller tool vendors to enter the market and also allow
organisations interested in MDA to experiment with, and get value from,
model driven approaches without committing themselves to the hilt, in terms
of both money and risk, from the outset.
There is definitely a good market for focused tools, IMHO.

Post by Jason Gorman
I link three things together when discussing tools and UML: modelling
maturity, process
capability, and tool sophistication. I don't think you can make any real
progress in one
without having to address the others. In the end, you extract value from
your tools only to
the least-capable level of the three. For instance, there is no point in
buying round-trip
engineering or MDA tools if you have a weak process or immature
models. CMM would say that
you shouldn't be buying tools until you're at CMM Level 3 because you
won't know if they make
any difference.
With regards to:
1. Modeling maturity, I have to agree that you need people with effective
modeling skills, ideally effective agile modeling skills.
2. Process capability, I believe that you need people who can work together
effectively to develop, support, and operate systems. That doesn't mean
you need a well-defined process, it just means you need to know what you're
3. Tool sophistication, I'm not so sure. My experience is that you can be
incredibly effective with paper and whiteboards, and those tools clearly
are not that sophisticated.

- Scott

Scott W. Ambler
Senior Consultant, Ronin International, Inc.


For more information about AM, visit the Agile Modeling Home Page at www.agilemodeling.com
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Ashley McNeile
2004-03-11 19:18:04 UTC
Post by Scott Ambler
Post by Ashley McNeile
I believe that using this "scaled-down" form of MDA can give
This makes a lot of sense to me. Do you have any links to articles written
about it?
I think that lack of suitable tools means that there is not a lot of
experience. Here is something I have written:


I am also talking on this topic at the OMG MDA Conference in Orlando, FL, in
May 17-20, 2004.

Best regards

For more information about AM, visit the Agile Modeling Home Page at www.agilemodeling.com
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Stefan Wagner
2004-03-10 11:44:36 UTC
Hash: SHA1

Hi Scott!
Post by Scott Ambler
The essay "Are You Ready For MDA?" has been posted at
http://www.agilemodeling.com/essays/readyForMDA.htm. In many ways it is a
follow-up to the earlier "Examining the MDA" posted at
You write that embedded systems are a "spectecularly small percentage of the
overall market". I'm not sure if I should agree. I thought in the contrary
that embedded systems (nowadays) have a significant share of the software
market and this share is still rising.


- --
Stefan Wagner, Software & Systems Engineering
Technische Universitaet Muenchen, Institut fuer Informatik
phone : +49 89 289-17840 fax: +49 89 289-17307
www : http://www4.in.tum.de/~wagnerst
Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux)


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Ashley McNeile
2004-03-10 11:53:19 UTC

I think your "Seven Critical Issues" (
http://www.agilemodeling.com/essays/readyForMDA.htm ) for considering MDA
are spot on. They certainly accord with my own experience of using model
driven code generation.

However, I believe that there is a good (and not much explored) case for a
more limited form of MDA, where model execution is used as a mechanism for
exploring and validating models early in the development process, even if
the final code of the system is not fully generated or perhaps not generated
at all. I believe that using this "scaled-down" form of MDA can give
substantial benefit, and significantly ease the issues you raise:

- Stakeholders do not have to understand PIMs, as they can review and check
the model as an executing model-driven prototype (Your point 4).

- You are well placed to use TDM (or TDMDA), and there is no reason for
model validation tools not to provide this (Your point 6).

- You are not dependent on the tool vendor beyond the model validation
phase -- in particular, not for deployment or support of the operational
system. (Your point 7).

You do still need skilled modellers (your points 1, 2 and 3), but in much
smaller numbers than you would if you were using MDA throughout the
development. In my experience of using this technique, a team of three to
five modellers can support a large project (total team size > 30).

The big tool vendors are all pursuing the "soup to nuts" MDA model. I think
that there is a market opportunity for less ambitious tools -- and that this
would both allow smaller tool vendors to enter the market and also allow
organisations interested in MDA to experiment with, and get value from,
model driven approaches without committing themselves to the hilt, in terms
of both money and risk, from the outset.


Ashley McNeile
Metamaxim Ltd.
email: ***@metamaxim.com
web: www.metamaxim.com

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Hubert Matthews
2004-03-10 12:34:26 UTC
Post by Scott Ambler
The essay "Are You Ready For MDA?" has been posted at
I link three things together when discussing tools and UML: modelling maturity, process
capability, and tool sophistication. I don't think you can make any real progress in one
without having to address the others. In the end, you extract value from your tools only to
the least-capable level of the three. For instance, there is no point in buying round-trip
engineering or MDA tools if you have a weak process or immature models. CMM would say that
you shouldn't be buying tools until you're at CMM Level 3 because you won't know if they make
any difference.

Hubert Matthews http://www.oxyware.com/
Software Consultant ***@oxyware.com

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2004-03-11 16:01:51 UTC
In a message dated 3/10/2004 3:53:59 AM Pacific Standard Time,
***@metamaxim.com writes:
The big tool vendors are all pursuing the "soup to nuts" MDA model. I think
that there is a market opportunity for less ambitious tools -- and that this
would both allow smaller tool vendors to enter the market and also allow
organisations interested in MDA to experiment with, and get value from,
model driven approaches without committing themselves to the hilt, in terms
of both money and risk, from the outset.
Like many in this forum, I don't particularly subscribe to the OMG MDA
approach, but I do find models indispensable in my development work (although I
often use the term model interchangeably with the word template, and pardon my
gaucherie, s'il vous plait).

I tend to agree with your assertion regarding he "soup to nuts" approach, as
I believe it creates opportunities for distraction, if nothing else. While I
have not seen many of these tools "in he flesh", those I have seen seem to have
made their users "slaves" to the tool in a way that often impairs
flexibility. Keep in mind this observation is entirely subjective: it could be sayng more
about the users than it is about the tool.

Also, it is advisable to take my comments in this area with the proverbial
"ton of salt", as I am myself hardly the most objective of critics: having
developed my own (very crude) development-assistive tools a long time ago (before
any others were available), I have spent more time keeping them up-to-date than
I have identifying and assessing what might be exceptionally useful or
effective alternatives. (Shame on me!).



For more information about AM, visit the Agile Modeling Home Page at www.agilemodeling.com
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Scott Ambler
2004-03-11 16:30:50 UTC
Post by p***@aol.com
In a message dated 3/10/2004 3:53:59 AM Pacific Standard Time,
The big tool vendors are all pursuing the "soup to nuts" MDA model. I think
that there is a market opportunity for less ambitious tools -- and that this
would both allow smaller tool vendors to enter the market and also allow
organisations interested in MDA to experiment with, and get value from,
model driven approaches without committing themselves to the hilt, in terms
of both money and risk, from the outset.
Like many in this forum, I don't particularly subscribe to the OMG MDA
approach, but I do find models indispensable in my development work
(although I often use the term model interchangeably with the word
template, and pardon my gaucherie, s'il vous plait).
Then please speak up in other forums whenever you get the chance. My fear
is that too many developers will relate modeling with the MDA, then when
the MDA fails they'll assume that modeling is also a failure. We need to
let people know that there is a clear and viable alternative.

For example, a couple of days ago I posted a CFP for an academic MDD
conference. These people seem to be wrapped around the MDA vision, and
they didn't even seem to know about Agile Modeling. What a shame.
- Scott

For more information about AM, visit the Agile Modeling Home Page at www.agilemodeling.com
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Jason Gorman
2004-03-11 18:03:42 UTC
MDA will work when the code IS the model and the model IS the code. That
would require OO languages like Java and C# to incorporate UML-specific
concepts like association end and multiplicity, and for UML to incorporate
code-specific concepts like statements, branches and loops (which it kind of
does, but not faithfully enough to represent executable code accurately).
Then I could code models or draw them (or both), and the diagrams and the
code would simply be different representations of exactly the same thing.

The test would be whether one could persist a UML model as code, and then -
without storing any information outside of the code - recreate the model
faithfully (except for the diagrams, of course). And, vice versa. One should
be able to save your code as UML, and then recreate that code entirely from
a UML model.

The UML model view should be abstracted - ie, not chock full of
implementation-specific artefacts like Hashtables that implement qualified
associations. It should be possible to specify in the code what the
intention/abstraction is so that analysis concepts are retained and the
logic behind an implementation is obvious and portable.

One should also be able to transform code into multiple "UML-compliant"
implementation languages with no loss of information.

And, to be truly useful, modeling and coding would need to happen at the
same time, in the same development tool. It's a bit like HTML editors - they
let you flick between a design view and a code view, and a good tool will
not lose information (or create extra information) when you switch views. It
should happen instantaneously and seamlessly.

Ideally, one should also be able to step through code in "UML mode", too,
and see where you are in the model at any specific point during execution -
as well as explore system state using object diagrams and the call stack
using sequence diagrams.

I will not be throwing my whiteboard away just yet...

Jason Gorman
-----Original Message-----
Sent: 11 March 2004 16:31
Subject: Re: [AM] ANN: Are You Ready For MDA?
Post by p***@aol.com
In a message dated 3/10/2004 3:53:59 AM Pacific Standard Time,
The big tool vendors are all pursuing the "soup to nuts" MDA
model. I
Post by p***@aol.com
think that there is a market opportunity for less ambitious tools --
and that this would both allow smaller tool vendors to enter
the market
Post by p***@aol.com
and also allow organisations interested in MDA to experiment
with, and
Post by p***@aol.com
get value from, model driven approaches without committing
Post by p***@aol.com
to the hilt, in terms of both money and risk, from the outset.
Like many in this forum, I don't particularly subscribe to
Post by p***@aol.com
approach, but I do find models indispensable in my development work
(although I often use the term model interchangeably with the word
template, and pardon my gaucherie, s'il vous plait).
Then please speak up in other forums whenever you get the
chance. My fear is that too many developers will relate
modeling with the MDA, then when the MDA fails they'll assume
that modeling is also a failure. We need to let people know
that there is a clear and viable alternative.
For example, a couple of days ago I posted a CFP for an
academic MDD conference. These people seem to be wrapped
around the MDA vision, and they didn't even seem to know
about Agile Modeling. What a shame.
- Scott
For more information about AM, visit the Agile Modeling Home
Page at www.agilemodeling.com
For more information about AM, visit the Agile Modeling Home Page at www.agilemodeling.com
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Kari Hoijarvi
2004-03-11 19:19:08 UTC
-----Original Message-----
Post by Jason Gorman
MDA will work when the code IS the model and the model IS the code.
That would require OO languages like Java and C# to incorporate
UML-specific concepts like association end and multiplicity,
In the MDA vision that Mellor et al see, this is not the case.
Modeler/Programmer does not need to see the target language, ever.


For more information about AM, visit the Agile Modeling Home Page at www.agilemodeling.com
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Scott Ambler
2004-03-11 20:30:16 UTC
-----Original Message-----
Post by Jason Gorman
MDA will work when the code IS the model and the model IS the code.
That would require OO languages like Java and C# to incorporate
UML-specific concepts like association end and multiplicity,
In the MDA vision that Mellor et al see, this is not the case.
Modeler/Programmer does not need to see the target language, ever.
Yes, and to do that they needed to introduce a new action semantics
language. You're still programming with their approach.

- Scott

For more information about AM, visit the Agile Modeling Home Page at www.agilemodeling.com
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Kari Hoijarvi
2004-03-11 21:34:32 UTC
Yes, they introduced action language. The point I'm trying
to make is, that they did not extend any OO language.


-----Original Message-----
-----Original Message-----
Post by Jason Gorman
MDA will work when the code IS the model and the model IS the code.
That would require OO languages like Java and C# to incorporate
UML-specific concepts like association end and multiplicity,
In the MDA vision that Mellor et al see, this is not the case.
Modeler/Programmer does not need to see the target language, ever.
Yes, and to do that they needed to introduce a new action semantics
language. You're still programming with their approach.

- Scott

For more information about AM, visit the Agile Modeling Home Page at www.agilemodeling.com
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Jason Gorman
2004-03-11 22:22:40 UTC
...and that was their first mistake :-)

Jason Gorman
-----Original Message-----
Sent: 11 March 2004 21:35
Subject: RE: [AM] What MDA should be - was ANN: Are You Ready For MDA?
Yes, they introduced action language. The point I'm trying to
make is, that they did not extend any OO language.
-----Original Message-----
-----Original Message-----
Post by Jason Gorman
MDA will work when the code IS the model and the model IS
the code.
Post by Jason Gorman
That would require OO languages like Java and C# to incorporate
UML-specific concepts like association end and multiplicity,
In the MDA vision that Mellor et al see, this is not the case.
Modeler/Programmer does not need to see the target language, ever.
Yes, and to do that they needed to introduce a new action
semantics language. You're still programming with their approach.
- Scott
For more information about AM, visit the Agile Modeling Home
Page at www.agilemodeling.com
For more information about AM, visit the Agile Modeling Home Page at www.agilemodeling.com
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Scott Ambler
2004-03-12 14:16:50 UTC
Post by Jason Gorman
...and that was their first mistake :-)
Likely. The challenge is that people now need to learn their proprietary
language, promoting vendor lock in (good for the vendor, not so good for
everyone else). The potential benefit is that you're not tied into the
technology platform, assuming you can get translators to your platform of
choice. So, there's a pretty big risk here IMHO, albeit one with
potentially good payback.

Go in with your eyes open.

- Scott
Post by Jason Gorman
Jason Gorman
-----Original Message-----
Sent: 11 March 2004 21:35
Subject: RE: [AM] What MDA should be - was ANN: Are You Ready For MDA?
Yes, they introduced action language. The point I'm trying to
make is, that they did not extend any OO language.
-----Original Message-----
-----Original Message-----
Post by Jason Gorman
MDA will work when the code IS the model and the model IS
the code.
Post by Jason Gorman
That would require OO languages like Java and C# to incorporate
UML-specific concepts like association end and multiplicity,
In the MDA vision that Mellor et al see, this is not the case.
Modeler/Programmer does not need to see the target language, ever.
Yes, and to do that they needed to introduce a new action
semantics language. You're still programming with their approach.
- Scott
For more information about AM, visit the Agile Modeling Home Page at www.agilemodeling.com
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2004-03-12 04:06:12 UTC
In a message dated 3/11/2004 8:32:03 AM Pacific Standard Time,
***@ronin-intl.com writes:
Then please speak up in other forums whenever you get the chance. My fear
is that too many developers will relate modeling with the MDA, then when
the MDA fails they'll assume that modeling is also a failure. We need to
let people know that there is a clear and viable alternative.

Hey, I'll be happy to. However, to which forums are you referring? I'm not
familiar with many others, so would you please mention them.



For more information about AM, visit the Agile Modeling Home Page at www.agilemodeling.com
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Scott Ambler
2004-03-12 14:19:06 UTC
Any forum where someone is talking about how the benefits of MDA without
also discussing the large number of drawbacks will do. ;-)

Please question them and maybe even point them to
www.agilemodeling.com/essays/mda.htm if you like.

- Scott
Post by p***@aol.com
In a message dated 3/11/2004 8:32:03 AM Pacific Standard Time,
Then please speak up in other forums whenever you get the chance. My fear
is that too many developers will relate modeling with the MDA, then when
the MDA fails they'll assume that modeling is also a failure. We need to
let people know that there is a clear and viable alternative.
Hey, I'll be happy to. However, to which forums are you referring? I'm not
familiar with many others, so would you please mention them.
For more information about AM, visit the Agile Modeling Home Page at www.agilemodeling.com
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Paul Oldfield
2004-03-12 09:43:54 UTC
(responding to Kari)
Post by Kari Hoijarvi
Post by Jason Gorman
MDA will work when the code IS the model and the model IS the code.
That would require OO languages like Java and C# to incorporate
UML-specific concepts like association end and multiplicity,
In the MDA vision that Mellor et al see, this is not the case.
Modeler/Programmer does not need to see the target language,
I prefer to use the term "Translation" to refer to that approach, to
distinguish from the other MDA approaches that I find less than
ideal, though possibly still useful. So when I say MDA is "not
very useful" I don't include Translation as being part of MDA.
translation would be useful if it weren't for just a few remaining

Paul Oldfield


any opinions expressed herein are not necessarily those of
Mentors of Cally or the Appropriate Process Movement

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