[AM] ANN: The Object Primer 3rd Edition: AMDD with UML 2 is now available
Scott Ambler
2004-03-10 19:51:00 UTC
I'm happy to announce that the new edition of The Object Primer
(www.ambysoft.com/theObjectPrimer.html) is now available. The publisher
sent two copies to me which arrived today and they look pretty good. The
official release is next week at Software Development (www.sdexpo.com)
where copies will be drop-shipped to the show book store. I'll also be
giving away my two copies, one in my AMDD tutorial on Tuesday morning and
one in my UML 2 talk on Friday morning.

Features of the book:
- Completely covers all 13 UML 2 diagrams, to my knowledge the first book
to do so
- Goes far beyond the UML 2 to cover user interface and data modeling
- Covers basic OO and agile software development (ASD) concepts
- Shows how to take an Agile Model Driven Development (AMDD) approach
- Summarizes the Full Lifecycle Object-Oriented Test (FLOOT) methodology
- Shows how to move from agile models to Java code
- Overviews agile programming techniques such as Test Driven Development
(TDD) and refactoring
- Overviews agile database techniques such as database refactoring and
evolutionary database development (for details, the book Agile Database
Techniques, www.ambysoft.com/agileDatabaseTechniques.html is a better option)

In short, I think you'll like it.

Also, if you feel it's appropriate I'd appreciate it if you could forward
this notice to other appropriate mailing lists. Thanks in advance.

- Scott

Scott W. Ambler
Senior Consultant, Ronin International, Inc.


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