[AM] AgileSIG, Manchester
2004-02-26 21:04:07 UTC
Northwest Agile Special Interest Group (SIG) announces their next

9 March at 18.00 Meridien Palace Hotel, Manchester

To register, please visit

This, the second Northwest Agile SIG, will showcase SCRUM, another
popular Agile software development methodology. The talk will show how
to take advantage of both SCRUM and XP. Following the talk, attendees
have the opportunity to discuss various Agile methods with an expert
panel from companies such as Cresta, Thoughtworks, Thompson Sweet and
Maxwell TCC and Exoftware.

Who should attend and why?
Software delivery managers, programme managers and senior project
managers who are responsible for the development and delivery of
business critical software systems. In order to learn more about Agile
methods and how they can support rapidly changing business needs.


18.00 - 18.30 Registration & Overview

18.30 – 19:15 Karl Scotland, BBC
SCRUM and XP: Putting it Together
Scrum advocates monthly iterations, while XP projects are being
successfully run with smaller iterations of one week. This can cause
conflict when trying to combine elements of both methods. This talk
describes a way of taking advantage of both degrees of iteration length,
and their related practices. The solution allows both the business and
technical teams to gain optimal feedback and control from the
development process.

After first experiencing the thrill of programming on a BBC Micro at
school, Karl rediscovered the addiction while studying for his Music
BSc. Realising that computers were more his forte than music, he went
on to get an MSc in IT, and a career as a software engineer. Karl has
worked on projects ranging from multimedia to neural network to
interactive TV applications, and he as experienced both a complete lack
of process, and an overly rigorous one. When he discovered XP, and was
given the opportunity to use it, he embraced it enthusiastically, and
has never looked back. Currently a Team Leader with BBC Interactive,
his team have developed the software, which has delivered 78 services in
12 months, a feat which could not have been achieved without agility.

19.15 – 20.00 Panel Discussion

Alan Francis, Thoughtworks
In ten years, Alan has built software that delivers junk mail, controls
dams, produces DVDs and Digital TV and lets you buy beer in Wetherspoons
pubs. Since he discovered XP, he has talked about it, presented papers
and panels on it, taught courses on how to do it, and occasionally
written software using it. He has mentored for ObjectMentor and now
thinks for ThoughtWorks.

Colin Clifford, Sweet & Maxwell
Colin is a PMI certified Project Manager and is currently the Project
Office Manager at Sweet and Maxwell Group (SMG) with offices in Dublin,
Edinburgh, London and Mytholmroyd - West Yorkshire. During his 2 years
at SMG Colin and his team have been responsible for the introduction of
industry standard Project Management, software development and
management processes. This year they have gained accreditation to the
ISO 9001:2000 standard for Quality Management. SMG recently adopted the
DSDM methodology as the standard for their organisation and have
integrated it into their accredited processes.

David Putman, Exoftware
As Senior mentor with Exoftware, David has acted as an advisor on the
management of software development projects to companies in three
continents. He regularly presents papers and tutorials on the
management and practice of software development at national and
international events. He currently writes the "Models and
Methodologies" column for Application Development Advisor magazine and
has had articles published in other publications including the Cutter IT
Journal. His main interests are the management of people and software
development projects, learning organisations, and making work satisfying
to all those involved.

Steve Dennis, Cresta
Steve Dennis is a senior Quality Assurance professional who combines
excellence in technical knowledge, business experience and test team
leadership gained in a wide range of US and European companies. He is a
Mercury Interactive Certified Professional with experience in both
software development and testing . Steve also has a strong working
knowledge of internationally approved test methods, quality assurance,
test tools and web-technologies. He has worked in the development and
testing of automated testing packages and the application of these tools
to solving real-world business issues. Steve also has a constantly
evolving experience of leading edge and non-legacy technologies and of a
wide range of automated testing products. He is a Principal Consultant
with Cresta Group, having joined the company nearly four years ago.

Dot Tudor, TCC
Dot is a DSDM Practitioner and a Prince2 and ISEB Certified Project
Manager. She has worked on business change projects of all sizes,
including ones that have been part of multi-million programmes. She has
trained and mentored people in the introduction and implementation of
DSDM throughout the UK, Ireland, the Netherlands and the USA. She is a
regular speaker on Methods for Business Systems Development, a founder
member of the International Business Systems Development Forum and
chairs the BCS Methods and Tools Specialist Group.

20.00 – 21.30 Drinks at Hotel Bar

To register, please visit

For more information about AM, visit the Agile Modeling Home Page at www.agilemodeling.com
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