[AM] CFP: CONQUEST 2004, Nuremberg, Germany
Scott Ambler
2004-03-03 12:38:43 UTC
Thought this might be of interest to some folks.

- Scott
September 22 – 24, 2004
Nuremberg, Germany
We would like to invite you to the eighth CONQUEST (Conference on Quality
Engineering in Software Technology). The conference takes place in
Nuremberg, Germany, September 22 – 24, 2004.
Tying in with the success the conference had in previous years we are
again planning an exciting program with outstanding keynotes by Tim Lister
(Atlantic Systems Guild), Rex Black (RCBS), Rick Craig (Software Quality
Engineering)and Rudolf van Megen (SQS) as well as industrial and
experience papers, research papers, tutorials and tool expositions.
Authors are very welcome to submit Papers for CONQUEST 2004. We hope that
this Call for Papers will be useful for your work. Please forward the
following to anybody who you think may be interested.
(This call for papers is also available in PDF format)
Call for Papers
The ASQF is one of the key platforms for software professionals in
Germany. The aims of the ASQF are: promoting discussion and raising
awareness of the important role that software quality plays for the
general public; fostering exchange of experience amongst software
developers and quality managers; underpinning sharing of knowledge between
software developers from industry, research institutions as well as
academia; and encouraging publication in the field of software quality.
Supporting these goals, the ASQF, in collaboration the Gesellschaft für
Informatik e. V. (GI), hosts the eighth international "Conference on
Quality Engineering in Software Technology".
In recent years, CONQUEST has attracted an average of over 250
participants, 30 speakers and 20 exhibitors.
Contributions that have a strong emphasis on Software Quality, whether
practical or theoretical, should be in form of a 30 minute talk (incl.
discussion). Presentations relating to experiences from industry are
especially welcome.
An exhibition will be arranged to give the attendees the opportunity to
evaluate tools that implement the presented theories. As space is limited,
those interested in exhibiting their products are urged to contact the
organizers as soon as possible or check www.conquest2004.de for further
Contributions may cover any quality related aspect of software
engineering. Please classify your contribution by selecting the topic
below that best describes your paper's subject area.
1. Models for Software Development Processes
2. Analytical Methods of Software Engineering
3. Metrics and Measurement Models
4. Componentware & Component Architecture
5. Management Aspects of Software Engineering
6. Requirements Engineering
Instructions for Authors
Papers (approx. 6 pages) should be submitted electronically to the Program
Committee by April 1, 2004 (see submission form under
www.conquest2004.de). Submission should include the paper’s title,
author’s name and address, the subject classification from the scheme
above and a short abstract (approx. 100 words). All papers and
presentations shall be given in English.
Notification of acceptance, along with further guidelines on the final
paper layout, will be sent by May 17, 2004. Final, digital versions of the
papers for publication in the conference proceedings must be received by
the program committee no later than July 1, 2004.
Find more information about CONQUEST 2004 at www.conquest2004.de
If you have any further questions, don’t hesitate to contact me via
telephone: 0049-9131.91910-18 or via mail.
With best regards
Johannes Knoch
Johannes Knoch
Wetterkreuz 19a, 91058 Erlangen, Germany
Fax. +49-9131-91910-10 http://www.asqf.de
Scott W. Ambler
Senior Consultant, Ronin International, Inc.


For more information about AM, visit the Agile Modeling Home Page at www.agilemodeling.com
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